BCC Course (Basic Computer Course)

 BCC Course ( Basic Computer course )

BCC course एक बेसिक कंप्यूटर कोर्स (Basic computer course ) है. जो की CSC Academy द्वारा ऑनलाइन कराया जाता है इस कोर्स को करने के लिए आपको किसी भी नजदीकी CSC center में जाकरअपना रजिस्ट्रेशन करा सकते हैं। रजिस्ट्रेशन होने के बाद आपको एक User Id और Password दिया जाता है। जिसको आप Login करके अपना कोर्स बड़े आसानी से कर सकते हैं। 
BCC Course में आपको निचे दिए गए सारे टॉपिक मिल जाते हैं। 
1. Knowing Computer
  • Computer Basics
    • Introduction
    • What is Computer ?
    • Classification of computer
    • How to computer works?
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • Input Devices
    • Output Devices
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • Computer memory
    • Concept of Hardware and Software
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • summary
  • Setting Up and Working of a Computer
    • Setting up a computer
    • Check your understanding
    • Common Troubleshooting
    • Check your understanding
    • Summary
    • Assessment
2. Operating System and Computer Basics
  • Getting Started with Operating System
    • Introduction
    • What is Operating System?
    • Check your understanding
    • Functions of operating system
    • Popular operating System
    • Check your understanding
    • Graphical User Interface
    • Check your understanding
    • Summary
  • File and folder management
    • Introduction
    • Task Bar
    • Changing system date and time (Do it)
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • Desktop and its display setting
    • Changing Desktop Background (Do it)
    • Setting a Screen Saver (show me)
    • Setting a screen saver (Do it )
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • Files and Folder Management
  • Using Accessories
    • Introduction
    • Paint
    • Using paint (show me)
    • Using paint ( Do it)
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • Notepad
    • Using Notepad (Show me)
    • Using Notepad (Do it)
    • Check your understanding
    • Calculator
    • Check your understanding
    • Summary
    • Assessment
3. Using the Word Processing Program
  • Getting Started with Microsoft word
    • Introduction
    • Word processing basics
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • The Ribbon
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • Summary
  •  Creating and Managing Documents 
    • Introduction
    • Creating and saving a new document (show me)
    • Creating and saving a new document (try it)
    • Check your understanding
    • Opening an existing document
    • Opening an existing document (show me)
    • Opening an existing document (try it)
    • Editing Text in a Document
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
4. Using Spreadsheet
  • Getting Started with Ms Excel
    • Introduction
    • Creating and saving a workbook
    • Check your understanding
    • Creating and saving a workbook (show me)
    • Creating and saving a workbook (try it)
    • Printing a worksheet
    • Check your understanding
    • Summary
  • Working with Worksheets
    • Worksheet cells
    • Creating Text, Number and Data Series
    • Check your understanding
    • Editing work sheet data
    • Changing cell size
    • Check your understanding
    • Formulas and Functions
    • Check your understanding
    • Using Charts
    • Using Charts (Show me )
    • Using Charts ( Try it )
5. Making Small Presentation 
  • Getting Started with MS PowerPoint
    • Introduction 
    • PowerPoint Basics
    • Check your understanding
    • Creating a New Presentation Using a Templates
    • Creating and saving a Presentation (Show me)
    • Creating and saving a Presentation (Try it)
    • Check your understanding
    • Editing Slides
    • Preparation of Slides
    • Check your Understanding
  • Presentation of Slides
    • Viewing a Presentation
    • Presentation Setup and Printing
    • Check your Understanding
    • Animation and slide show
    • Animation and slide show ( show me )
    • Animation and slide show (try it )
    • Check your understanding
    • Summary
6. Introduction to the Internet
  • Introduction to the Internet
    • Introduction
    • Application of Internet
    • Connecting to the Internet
    • Check your understanding
    • Check your understanding
    • World wide web (WWW)
    • Internet explorer
    • Using Internet Explorer (Show me )
    • Using Internet Explorer (Try It )
    • Check your understanding
7. Communication Tools
  • Communication Tools
    • Introduction
    • Communication Tools
    • Check your understanding
    • Creating an e-Mail Account (Show me)
    • Creating an e-Mail Account ( Try It )
    • Using an e-Mail Account
    • Check your understanding
    • Summary
8. Communication and Collaboration
  • Communication and Collaboration
    • Introduction
    • Using Skype: Downloading and Installing
    • Using Skype: Interacting with contacts
    • Check your understanding
    • Social Media tools
    • Using Facebook
    • Using Youtube
    • Uploading Videos
ये सारे टॉपिक्स आपको BCC Course में जायेंगे इसमें रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिए आप अपने नजदीकी CSC सेण्टर पे जाके करा सकते है। 
BCC Course Certification :- इस कोर्स को पूरा करने के बाद आपको CSC Center से एक सर्टिफिकेट हासिल होगा जो की भारत सरकार द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त होगा। 
Video  :- 

नोट :- आपका कोई  प्रश्न होतो आप हमें कमेंट बॉक्स में कमेंट कर पूछ सकते है या हमें  ईमेल, व्हाट्सप्प कर सकते हैं। ईमेल व्हाट्सप्प इस वेबसाइट में कांटेक्ट ऑप्शन में दिया गया है।  धन्यवाद 

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